Hello Everyone!
Today, we had our first Grouper Education livestream! I want to thank all the classrooms that were able to join us. Your support and engagement are critical to the success the project. Especially, I would like to thank all the teachers for going the extra mile to make this happen. We all appreciate you so much! If you were unable to attend today’s livestream, you can view it anytime on REEF’s YouTube page. Today’s livestream highlighted a number of scientists working on the project and some incredible footage of the spawning aggregation here on Little. You can watch them here: Spawning Burst 1 Spawning Burst 2
Also, on today’s livestream, we talked a bit about sharks on the aggregation. We definitely see them out there and sometimes they’re able to get ahold of a Nassau, but these are some tough fish. Take a look at this grouper, affectionately known as Lucky, who clearly had a bite taken out of him in the past, but he healed and continues to show up on the aggregation each year! Amazing!
Remember to tune in for our second livestream tomorrow at 10:30am. Go Grouper Moon!