Hello Grouper Moon Educators!
Grouper Moon is nearly here and now is the perfect time to begin preparing your students for this year’s live streams. You can find our full suite of lessons on REEF’s website here: https://www.reef.org/ grouper-moon-education- program-resources
This year’s live streams will take place on Friday, February 14th, Monday, February 17th, and Wednesday, February 19th. While anyone can watch our live streams live on YouTube, if you want to participate in the live streams there is limited space, so please let me know the dates you plan to attend so I can reserve you a spot.
Here is the live stream schedule:
Livestream #1: Friday, February 14th, from 10:30-11:30am. This underwater live stream will take place from the Nassau grouper spawning aggregation site.
Livestream #2: Monday, February 17th at 10:30-11:30am. Students will meet the various scientists on the Grouper Moon Project who will share about this year’s research and engage in a Q&A session with students.
Livestream #3 Wednesday, February 19th, at 1:00-2:00pm. This underwater live stream will take place from Bloody Bay Wall on Little Cayman.
Please let me know which live streams you plan to attend so I can reserve a space for you and your students.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Go Grouper Moon!