41 thoughts on “He’s Measuring Grouper!!

  1. Why don’t they put the laser points at the head and the tail to measure? Why are they putting the lasers in the middle of the grouper?

  2. Do groupers look different when they’re getting ready to go to the aggregation site?

    In Grouper Moon, Cooper starts acting weird and goes to the cleaning station so he looks nice when he gets to the aggregation site.

    • Yes. Their color changes when they are on the SPAG. Often time, you will see them in their bi-color phase, which is black on top and white on the bottom. Its pretty cool!

    • Good question. They are definitely acting differently then they normally would. But, I’m not sure if they are feeling nervous.

    • The counting is still going on and will continue for a few more days. You should ask this question on Monday during our web chat!!

    • I have not been out to see the fish yet, so I will find out tomorrow. You should ask the researchers that question when we web chat on Monday too!!

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